- [Paper] The case of Demchok
On August 14, 1939, as he camped near Gartok, one of the three British (Indian) Trade Agencies in Tibet, Rai Bahadur Dr Kanshi Ram, the British Trade Agent (BTA) in Western Tibet, found finally time to write to the Political Agent of the Punjab Hill States in Simla: “I have the honour to submit herewith the following report of my journey from Simla to Gartok via Srinagar and Leh, Kashmir,” Ram started…
- 1962 War: ‘Secret Reports’ lost forever?
July 20, 2020
This article 1962 War: ‘Secret Reports’ lost forever? appeared in Rediff.com.
- How China lost a friend in Ladakh
July 14, 2020
This article How China lost a friend in Ladakh appeared in Mail Today/DailyO
- Chinese Aggression in Maps
July 7, 2020
According to a Press Release from the Ministry Of Eternal Affairs, the situation in Ladakh may de-escalate in the next few days.
From the Publication Department of the Government of India (1963).
- Why China’s claim on Galwan is a lie
July 7, 2020
This article Why China’s claim on Galwan is a lie appeared in Mail Today/DailyO
- Expansionist and Revisionist China
July 4, 2020
According to a press release of the Press Information Bureau (PIB), Prime Minister Narendra Modi travelled to Nimu, near Leh, in Ladakh to interact with the Indian troops involved with the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) on the border: “[the Prime Minister] met the top leadership of the Indian Army and later interacted with personnel of the Army, Air Force and ITBP,” said the PIB.
- India, Tibet, Xinjiang: tales of China’s Broken Promises
June 23, 2020
This article India, Tibet, Xinjiang: tales of China’s Broken Promises was published by Strategic News International
- History lessons from Galwan
June 6, 2020
This article History lessons from Galwan appeared in Mail Today/DailyO
- Drokpo Karpo: A Dispute between Ladakh and Tibet
June 5, 2020
The relations between Ladakh and Kashmir have recently been the subject of hot discussions in the Indian media. At the time of India’s Independence, there was only one dispute between the Wazarat of Ladakh and Western Tibet (Ngari Khorsum). It has been described by Hugh Richardson, the first ‘Indian’ Head of the Indian Mission in Lhasa (he had served earlier in the same position for British India).
- A long hot summer is ahead on Himalayan heights
May 14, 2020
This article A long hot summer is ahead on Himalayan heights appeared in The Asian Age/Deccan Chronicle
- New Changes in the Western Theater Command
December 13, 2019
As the Corona virus had probably started spreading in Wuhan, Xi Jinping Chairman of the Central Military Commission (CMC) promoted seven lieutenant generals to the rank of full general (‘Three Stars’). One of them was Lt Gen He Weidong who was transferred on promotion as commander of the Eastern Theater Command (ETC).
- Reopening the Old Borders
July 29, 2019
We are often hearing questions about what could be suggested as possible Confidence Building Measures (CBMs) between India and China.
I give here a few suggestions for the border in East Ladakh.
One could add joint patrolling in ‘semi’ disputed areas; by ‘semi’ disputed, I mean areas where both parties agree on the area disputed (which is often not the case).
- Tibet and the ‘Larger Issues’
August 12, 2018
Recently the Dalai Lama made some remarks on Jawaharlal Nehru and the Partition of India.
Without going into the (unnecessary) controversy, it is interesting to see the views of the first Prime Minister of Independent India on what he called the ‘Tibetan émigrés’ in the early 1950s, three months after signing (without informing the Tibetans), The Agreement on trade and intercourse between Tibet Region of China and India (infamously remembered as the ‘Panchsheel Agreement’.
- China woos the Tibetans
June 1, 2018
This article China woos the Tibetans appeared in The Statesman
Govern the nation by governing the borders; govern the borders by first stabilizing Tibet; ensure social harmony and stability in Tibet and strengthen the development of border regions.” Thus did President Xi Jinping speak of China’s relations with Tibet.
- The Happy People of Ngari?
May 20, 2018
Ngari or Western Tibet has been in the Chinese news in recent weeks.
It looks like a concerted effort from the Communist propaganda to promote the region bordering Ladakh, Himachal and Uttarakhand.
And first of all ‘promote’ the happiness of the people in these borders areas.
May 18, Xinhua published an article about The Happy life of a senior in Ali Prefecture of Tibet. ‘Ali’ is ‘Ngari’ (as the Chinese have difficulties to pronounce the ‘Ng’, it becomes ‘A’).
The Chinese news agency mentions “a two-story house equipped with all kinds of household appliances where Cama Ciren [Karma Tseten], a 72-year-old Tibetan and his wife live.”
Karma stays there for the past 34 years, says the article.
Interestingly, the village is located in Tashigang in Gar County of Ngari Prefecture, near the Indian border (on the other side is Demchok in Ladakh).
- So, who has a Cold War mindset?
February 4, 2018
This article So, who has a Cold War mindset? appeared on Thursday in the Edit Page of The Pioneer
It is ironical that while it is the Middle Kingdom which is getting ready for another stand-off, it loudly objects to New Delhi protecting its side of the border
- How can Xi speak of a ‘Chinese Dream’ and a ‘Peaceful Rise’ while threatening those who dare oppose China?
August 5,2017
This article How can Xi speak of a ‘Chinese Dream’ and a ‘Peaceful Rise’ while threatening those who dare oppose China? appeared in The Mail Daily (UK)
“You shall be unswervingly loyal to the absolute leadership that the party has over the army, heed the call of the party, follow the party,” asserted Chairman Xi Jinping, while officiating during a mega parade at the Zhurihe Combined Tactics Training Base in Inner Mongolia on the occasion of the 90th anniversary of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA).
- Monk in the midst of muck
April 9, 2017
This article Monk in the midst of muck is the Cover Page in the Agenda of The Sunday Pioneer
- China’s plans for ‘Asia
February 11,2017
This article China’s plans for ‘Asia’ appeared in The Asian Age/Deccan Chronicle
China has decided to pump $24.8 billion into laying new highways in Xinjiang region to improve connectivity with Pakistan.
- For India, CPEC is a corridor to nowhere
December 29, 2016
My article For India, CPEC is a corridor to nowhere appeared in the Edit Page of The Pioneer
One fails to understand why Beijing is so adamant to not re-open the Himalayan land ports between India and Tibet, while at the same time, it is ‘inviting’ New Delhi to join the CPEC bandwagon
- Relocation in Tibet
“Do Not forget the Original Intention; Keep the Mission in Mind” is the new slogan used by President Xi Jinping, China’s new Great Helmsman to unify the masses behind the Communist Party of China (CPC); in the recent past Xi has been trying to build an idealist society, strictly under the Party’s rules. The Party’s mission for 2020 is to provide a materially decent life to all in the Middle Kingdom, more particularly in the restive areas of Tibet and Xinjiang. In order to fulfill its objectives, Beijing has started in a massive relocation scheme in Tibet, redrawing the demography of India’s borders which will affect India’s defence, directly or indirectly.
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